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Hodag Dome

Northwoods Rumble Tournament Fundraiser

February 23 - February 25

Northwoods Rumble Tournament Fundraiser - Wisconsin Outlawz LogoSupport a meaningful cause at the Northwoods Rumble Tournament Fundraiser from Friday, February 23 to Sunday, February 25 at the Hodag Dome in Rhinelander, hosted by Women’s Premier Fastpitch and Wisconsin Outlawz. All event proceeds will benefit the Northwoods Veterans Homestead, aiding in the collection of donations and support for our veterans. Make a difference – join us in contributing to this worthy initiative!

Supporting our community, Women’s Premier Fastpitch and Wisconsin Outlawz spotlight a different nonprofit each month. In February, they will be backing the Northwoods Veterans Homestead. The NVH team will be in attendance at the event helping the community to learn about the challenges faced by Northwoods veterans and how the Northwoods Veterans Homestead is making a difference. Let’s unite to make an impact!

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February 23
February 25
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Hodag Dome
863 Hodag Dome Drive
Rhinelander,WI54501United States
+ Google Map
(715) 365-9520
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